facts AND data
Cortris is a consultancy specialized in fact-based, data-driven analysis of local to global pharmaceutical markets that enables evidence-based decision-making.
Based on proprietary ontologies we analyze scientific and regulatory data, which we qualify and hold up against actual market outcomes to transform data into relevant and actionable insights for our partners.
We do bespoke projects that meet the exact needs of our customers at a given point in time; based solely on verifiable facts and always delivered in a in a simple way.
Cortris provides a comprehensive model for forecasting the critical transitional phases throughout the product cycle, covering launch, critical market changes, and LoE. Using cutting-edge data science and proprietary ontologies, we causatively link your specific context to past occurrences in the global pharmaceutical markets. This provides optimal forecasting fit and best possible market benchmark. The model compensates for list-price bias of most sales and market data and provides sensitivity analysis encompassing the full historical market knowledge.TENDER WARGAME SIMULATION
Cortris delivers a first-in-class Tender Wargame Simulator tailored to your specific product and needs. Using proprietary ontology Cortris models your product specific data in a global data framework. In addition, Cortris can support in the ensuing processes to ensure that the best decision and alignment is taken now and setting you up to be prepared for future rounds of tender.PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET ANALYSIS
Cortris provides objective market analyses allowing identification of risks, pinpointing challenges and driving meaningful dialogue on marketing plans; leading to evidence-based decision making. We answer questions such as why does a product not perform as planned? Where should resources be allocated? How can we ensure that products perform as expected in the market? Where do patients go? How will bio-similar, analogue and Gx market entry impact on an upcoming tender?ANTITRUST LAW MARKET DEFINITION
Cortris provides objective input to antitrust counsel to document their arguments relating to how relevant market(s) in the pharmaceutical industry should be delineated. We can offset the information asymmetry competition authorities benefit from when using their extensive information gathering powers as our analysis provides an unbiased 360° look at the product(s) in question.DELIVERY
Contact us for more infoOur DNA is delivery of professional services to large, sophisticated customers. Whilst we strictly adhere to our evidence-based approach, we believe providing services is about being available at any time, listening well, discussing until we are sure we understand what is needed and – as one customer put it – we “never stop until [we] are sure that the project delivers value”.
We provide fixed budgets up front so that there are no surprises.